Women In The Armed Forces

Women are now enrolled as combatants but their efficacy in battle is suspect

Women have always had an association with the armed forces but now a combat role is opened to them
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The army of a nation is the first and last line of Defense.This is since time immemorial.It is also an instrument of state policy.The Roman legions furthered the power of Rome.This has not changed, and even now the writ of the USA as a global policeman is solely courtesy of the US armed might.

Coming to women, they have part of an armed force but not as combatants.There are just about a dozen incidents in World history that mention the prowess of women soldiers.

One can think of Joan d'Arc and the Queen of Jhansi.These were just sporadic incidents, that's all.

Women were unfortunately considered as "spoils of war", a prized bounty.They were also inducted as " camp followers".What are camp followers? They are women who sleep with the soldiers after the heat of battle.When the famous Duke ofWellesleyy marched from Arkonam to Mysore to confront Tippu Sultan he carried almost 500 women with his army as camp followers.They were clothed and fed out of the army budget.

The second world war brought the " comfort women" concept forward and the Imperial army abducted thousands of Korean and Chinese girls for this nefarious activity.The end of the war led to a rapid assertion by women of their rights.A demand was voiced to have the Defense forces opened to them.

The matter was debated in the highest echelons of authority and there was a consensus that women could be inducted into the army or navy.What started as a trickle is now a deluge and Congress has accepted that women can also be inducted as combatants, provided they can match the standards.We now have women even in the marines and many are flying massive B52 bombers of strategic command.

Women in combat is as yet an untried commodity.In a congressional hearing after the first Iraq war, many women gave their views of fighting the Iraqi army and some who were made POW. Nearly a dozen women recruits were captured by the Iraqi army at the start of the campaign and sexually molested.Most women soldiers felt it was a hazard of war.The soldiers were freed after the defeat of the Iraqi army.

The times have now changed further and US Congress has opened ALL doors including combat roles as marines.This has led to resultant problems.In the US army, there were 6000 cases of sexual harassment in 2015.This is a huge number and no way this can be stopped.Curtailed maybe, but women have to live with it.This is the quid pro quo when you want equality.

Coming to actual battle? This remains an untested water as yet.

Article Written by Madan G Singh

An early retired Gp Capt from Air Force who is an Executive Director in the Corporate world. Loves to write fiction and articles. Published over 60 short stories and his novel" Romance of the Frontier" is published from Notion Books.His second novel is on way for publication. The author also has close to 10,000 articles on the b net with millions of views

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